Extend your circle


Extend your circle


Years 11 to 12 (Senior Years)


Empathy is the awareness and understanding of another person's thoughts, feelings, and circumstances. The ability to co-experience the feelings and thoughts of other people, is probably one of the most important skills a person may have. Understanding others' feelings and needs helps young people make and keep friends, encourages tolerance and acceptance of others promoting good mental health. Thus, being empathetic assists children and students in building and maintaining strong and healthy relationships developing with their family, class, school, and community. Helping children and students to develop a strong sense of empathy is beneficial because it promotes social harmony, reduces the likelihood of bullying and prejudice, lowers levels of stress and contributes to emotional and social growth. In an ever-changing world appreciating and being sensitive to others’ experiences, backgrounds, and cultures is essential. The activities sourced and designed provide opportunities for children and students to identify and experience the benefits of empathy utilising prosocial behaviours, compassion, perspective taking and other kindness attributes.

Extend your circle

The science of kindness suggests that empathy increases self-esteem, compassion, builds relationships and a sense of community. Sometimes we become comfortable sitting in our close relationship circle. This activity assists students to reflect on who is inside and outside their circle and how building empathy and understanding helps to expand the circle of friendship and relationships.


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Years 11 to 12 (Senior Years)

Location : AU/UK